Monday 7 November 2011

Ong Say Lean

Ong Say Lean attends our drawing sessions very regularly. She is blind in one eye and has rather dim sight with the other.  In the beginning she would frequently ask us what the colours in her palette were, sometimes requesting for more brown and green - the two colours she used most frequently to draw trees. Remarkably, after a few sessions, she needed less help to identify colours and began to produce more lively and colourful compositions.
Here are some samples of Say Lean's drawings.

The above was Say Lean's very first attempt.

Three weeks later, she started on her favourite subject - trees.

The theme of trees continued for a few weeks

 4 weeks later Say Lean begins to add some brighter colours

Some days, she still paints in subdued, grey hues.

Here is a picture of Say Lean doing a painting of 3 striking trees. 

 To see more drawings by Say Lean go to her Picasa Web Album:-

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